

Evaluation of fish feed enrichment with insect proteins in Uganda

Closing date: 24 Oct 2023

Project summary

Aquaculture is an essential industry that provides a significant source of protein to the growing human population. The success of this industry is highly dependent on the availability and quality of fish feed. As a result, research is continuously being carried out to improve the quality of fish feed, which will not only improve the growth and health of fish but also reduce the cost of production.

Black soldier flies (BSF) have been found to have high protein content and could be a potential alternative protein source in fish feed. Although, rresearch have demonstrated that BSF larvae can replace fishmeal without compromising the growth and health of the fish, very limited studies have been conducted in Uganda.

Therefore, the objective of this study is to evaluate the potential benefits of using BSF protein as a feed enrichment in fish feed in Uganda. Specifically, the study aims to:

  1. Assess the iinclusion ratios of BSF protein ingredient in fish diet and validate the effect on growth and survival.
  2. Determine the effect of BSF protein enrichment on the nutrient content of harvested fish fillets.
  3. Establish the water quality parameters when fish is fed on various diet types.
  4. Evaluate the profitability of BSF-based feeds on fish production.

The use of BSF protein as a feed enrichment in fish feed wcould provide a sustainable alternative to traditional fish feed ingredients. This study will provide insights into the potential benefits and economic viable of using BSF protein as a feed enrichment in fish feed. This will provide informed decision on future research and practice in the aquaculture industry.



Qualifications and experience required

  1. Candidates should have completed a BSc in Marine Science, Fisheries and Aquaculture Management, Food Chemistry, Food Science, Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry or related area, and scored at least second-class degree (upper division).
  2. Skills in Nutritional analysis are key. Experience in organic BSF rearing is an added advantage.

Other requirements

  1. Should be a national of an African country
  2. Already registered for MSc in a recognised University
  3. Completed course work/year one of study, awaiting research

Application form

Click here to download the application form. Once filled out, click on the 'APPLY' link to submit it along with the other required documents.


Timeline Closing date for applications 15th October 2023. Successful candidates will be notified by November 2023.


If you have any questions regarding the DRIP MSc Programme or your application to icipe, kindly contact Ms. Vivian Atieno, Capacity Building Officer, icipe. Email  vatieno@icipe.org